The purpose of Bangladesh Assemblies of God is to give every man, woman and child the opportunity to hear and understand the gospel message and to build churches where they can grow in ministry for the glory of God.
We the Bangladesh Assemblies of God as a body of Pentecostal Churches come together in fellowship and we commit ourselves to the great commission and the great commandment of the Lord Jesus Christ, therefore we commit ourselves to be actively involved in:
We want to build up a prayer movement in each and every church that reaches out to the heart of God for our churches, nation and nations beyond us.
We will reach out to those who have never heard the gospel of salvation.
We commit ourselves to disciple the new believers and establish them in faith and in the word of God.
Church Planting
We want to equip all believers for the work of these ministries through planting and building healthy disciples in local churches that move in the power of the Holy Spirit so as to fulfill their God given mandate.
Missions outreach to all nations
We want to obey the call to missions and commit ourselves to world missions in sending and receiving missionaries.
Caring for the needy and the disadvantaged
We commit ourselves to helping the needy and the marginalized with the sole motive that we do it in the great commandments of the Lord to love others.
Prayer Movement
We want to see that every church has a regular continuous prayer services, nightly prayers, prayer events with fasting.
Church Planting
We want to plant Pentecostal churches in every unreached area of our nation. We want to see strong churches that move in the power and love of the Holy Spirit. The Churches in turn give birth to other churches.
We want to see every church having a vibrant, growing, relevant & contemporary youth ministry in reaching and discipling youths to serve God passionately. We want to see our Youth baptized in the Holy Spirit and becoming mature leaders. We want to see our Youth involved in different ministries of the Church.
We want to see every church having a strong children ministry where children grow in their character, faith and experience the fullness of the Holy Spirit. We want to motivate our children to reach out to other children with the love of the Lord Jesus Christ.
We want to see that all our churches have women who are actively involved in different ministries of the Church. We will also credential spirit filled and spirit led, godly women who are able to be great role models and examples in their home and community.
We want to be actively involved in missions and strategically plan outreaches areas by adopting unreached people’s groups, nations and cultures.
We want to see many Spirit filled leaders raised up in our churches who are Faithful in finances and every area of their lives, Focused on Jesus, Have strong family relationship and serving the Lord in the gifts they have received.
Winning the Lost
We want to see all our members of the church involved in reaching out to the lost through their personal ministries in their own community.
Strong indigenous Churches
We want to see our churches organize themselves in local churches and small groups. We want to see all our members strong models of servanthood and Christlike character, making an impact in their community.
Concerns for the Community
We want to see all our churches involved in doing something for the needy around them in the compassion of Christ. We promote respect and justice for all. We want to reach out to these groups of people through our schools and compassion projects.
OUR GOALS: 2015-2020
*To plant a strong vibrant Church in every district of Bangladesh
*To support and send a missionary overseas
*To organize ten strong churches
*To build local funds so as to support 50 new pastors and workers.
*To train at least 20 new pastors and leaders through different training centers.
*To build strong ministries through the National Ministry Team.