BAGC Children Ministry
.BANGLADESH – an area of 148,460 square km; also known as home for more than 64 Million Children who makes up about 40 percent of the total Population. Out of the total population of over 160 Million, 50 percent lives in the urban areas and also most of them are living under the poverty line. Being a Riverine country – having 700 rivers crisscrossing the country – it has a major possibility of having natural disasters and which take place several times in every year. Which is a major reason of hampering the entire development.
You have probably heard of stories that aren’t very satisfactory or even very sensitive. But apart from all those, Bangladesh has been very successful in creating opportunity for the Children to have the Primary Studies for free, reducing the amount of early marriage, reduced rate of Child Trafficking, etc.
We as believers are one of the smallest communities in this country, with an amount of 0.5% out of the total population. Yet the percentage of Children in the whole community is almost the same as the comparative percentage of the total amount. The normal response towards the Children has been changing recently. Children are more cared and given priority, yet a long way to go. I am happy that this change of mindset is happening slowly. Bangladesh Assemblies of God has been greatly impacting the lives of Children, not just in the Believers community but in the neighbors too.
Bangladesh Assemblies of God Church Children Department is moving forward with a vision of – Reaching Children, Making Disciples, to Bear Fruits (we are willing to see Children would be saved, follow Jesus and reach others). We are willing to accomplish all that through various activities like: holiday camps, vocational Bible camps, weekly Sunday Schools, online camp gathering and providing practical training for those who are going to be involved in all those. These all are taken with the Objectives of Reaching Children, Equipping Trainers and Equipping Churches.
Here is a list of long-lasting impacts, what we are willing to see in the lives of Children:
• Children will be fully passionate to follow Christ in every aspect of their lives by accepting Jesus as their savior-friend and follow His footsteps
• A robust and vibrant community of servant leaders will be established to multiple children’s ministries in local churches.
• Local churches will be increasingly engaged in children’s ministry; as a result, leading to a growing church and cultural transformation as the next Generation is cared for and reached with the Gospel.
• Biblical values would be imparted among the church communities’ children and teenagers.
• Different projects, programs, and activities (ministries) will be established in and out of the church to reach and disciple many children and their communities in the church.
May God richly blesses our Children who are our Future and Loved Lavishly by our God.
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